Hand Casting Kits "Memory Casting"

We are the first in Lithuania to start selling hand casting kits since 2019. Our products make it possible to capture special moments in life. We are proud to have over 10,000 happy customers who appreciate our high quality products and experience.

Jauki Donava Šeimai Ir Draugams

Rankų liejimas – Tai amžinas meilės ir bendrystės simbolis, puikiai tinkantis dovanoti artimiesiems bet kokia proga. Rankų liejimo rinkinys leidžia ne tik sukurti estetišką rankų skulptūrą, bet ir įamžina tą ypatingą momentą, kai žmonės susijungia bendroje kūrybinėje veikloje. Tai yra patirtis, kuri stiprina ryšius tarp šeimos narių ar draugų, kartu kuriant amžiną meilės ir artumo simbolį.


What is Hand Casting?

Hand casting is the process of creating a three-dimensional model of a hand using molding and casting materials. It's a popular way to capture precious memories or mark special occasions.

What Does Hand Casting Need?

A hand casting kit typically includes a molding material (such as alginate), a casting material (such as plaster or resin), a mixing bowl, a mixing tool, gloves, and sometimes decorative items. Some kits also come with a practice kit or display stand.​​​​

How to Prepare for Hand Casting?

First, gather all the tools you need. Prepare the mold by mixing the molding material with water and pouring it into a suitable container. Place your hand in the mixture and hold it still until it sets. When it hardens, carefully remove your hand without breaking the shape.

What are the Most Common Mistakes in Hand Casting and How to Avoid Them?

Common problems include fast-hardening alginate that causes loss of detail due to movement, bubbles on the surface of the skin, and fading in the shape of fingertips. To avoid these problems, it is necessary to mix the alginate evenly, ensure the correct position of the hand and carefully remove large bubbles.​​​​

How Long Does the Casting Process Take?

Curing time can vary from 2 minutes to 5 minutes depending on the water temperature.

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