Kahe käega vamistamijejuhend

Enne altusamist lugege palun vescije punkte ljubus ja tsutnage kogu teabega!
1. Pange lauale mittevajalikku kangast või kilet, we recommend adding ka pelle kanda.
2. Remove the ämbrist kogu sisu.
3. Enne töö altaslamist kuzizige, millist figuri you want the hour. Use an empty container to check how much space you have, and how to hold it tightly to prevent it from touching the bottom of the wall.
4. Add ämbrisse 2l vett (soovitatav on 16-20 °C) . Do not add too much water, because it causes massi to quickly dissolve. Kui vesi on liiga soe, tahkub mass ülikiiresti ja te ei saa seda segada segada. Therefore, control the temperature of the water temperature and the temperature of the water.
5. Meraige oma kådet kosmetíke või beebiõliga (sobib ka taimeõli).
6. Nüüd pange kogu alginaadipuldurit vette ja segage samal ajal suure lusika või küçüvispliga. Do this very actively, because it only takes 60-70 seconds.
7. When the mass becomes solid, lask oma kådet slowly massi, the pre-determined position ka allosas, kotsäge põhvi ja häkdeke kådet veidi öles. Make sure it touches the bottom and the wall.
8. Do not move your hands for 3-4 minutes (if you have cold water, you need to keep it longer) until the mass becomes completely soft.
9. Pull out the hands carefully, taking care not to damage the existing hand mold.

10. Put the gypsum powder in another container and pour 700ml. room temp water

11. In the case of single-use diapers, both hands thoroughly clean all of them on the platform. Segage ka activite, sest kips pakseneb seganeb.
12. If you are sure that the chicken is cooked properly, add 1/2 of the chicken to your hand.
13. Take the bucket with one hand and then knock it on the bucket wall at a 45° angle, so that all the accessible spots are found.
14. Täitke vormi läätäni, ärgse ületäitke, koputage äämbri ämbri seintele. Tap the bottom of the bucket to eliminate possible air bubbles.
15. Nüüd oodake 1-2 tundi , kuni kips tardub. (why not longer than 6 tundi)
16. Carefully remove the sisu with the pöörake ämber.
17. Koorige tahkunud alginaatmassi maha maha, zajalades et te ei skulptuuri.
18. Use any detergent to remove alginate ice. Kõrvaldage hühmullidest caused by ebavajalikud kipsitäpid.
19. Now that the sculpture has been cleaned and prepared, we recommend that you leave it to dry for nine days, turvalisse kohta, et lasta sessul kuivada. After 5-7 days, the sculpture will completely change, then it will be painted to protect the plaster. Värvige seda 2-3 väga thin kihiga . Choose a soft brush.
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Lisainfo ja näpunäited:
1. Add the necessary amount of water, try it with your hands, first step, see if your hands are covered with water, so take this into account in the future.
2. Make sure your hands are not touching the bottom of the container.
3. Kui kaasasoleva ämbri käkusest ei piisa for the desired handle, saab siis valid selle anuma, kuid vee maht peab jääma sama kui guisedis preseletiti.
4. Vältige kujundite prästamist tykse ölläspoole kärvedat bügaradega, kuna sei causes bügarotstesse hühmullide moodustumistum. You can fill all the places with Kipsiseg. Don't twist the wrists out of the curled finger.
5. Never use alginate powder in water that is below 22°C!
6. Segage alginadaisegu is very fast, because it only takes 50-60 seconds! Use vegetable soup.
7. Make sure that there is no dry powder in the bottom of the container. Active segamine is very important.
8. Kui segu on properly ette prepared, mærige gårds øliga (seda saab teha enne segamist) ja lask gårds ämbrisse björður ja seinu pertäzamata.
9. Let the hands slowly ämbrisse et prevent hügimullide moodustustimut. 10. After 3-4 minutes touch the massi vaba käega, et veenduda, et see on properly tahkunud.
11. Valage will grow in kahe stage.
12. In the process of cleaning, at all stages, turn the ämber properly and cover the bottom of the ämbri, so that the mold fills all the points well at the same time, so that the mold is eliminated.
13. Täitke kogu anuma kipsiga, änge ületäitke.
14. Let it soak for at least 1 hour.
15. If your nails are quite thick, apply adhesive plaster carefully to your fingernails, otherwise you may damage your fingernails by accident.
16. Teie skulptuur kuivab kuivab 7 päiväs pätte ning ning vehätä valgeks.
17. Color only when it is fully cooked.
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See guide on koostatud viendes testide nöel, nii et pålgetage neid ekskeit ja teie vüntulemus gratuštab teid!